Well, it looks like I haven’t written since April 17th; completely unacceptable. I wanted to post some slides of my recent presentation, and get in writing what I would like to do with this blog in the near future. Read more…
Controlling where the reply goes in your WordPress theme
Here is another nice quick tip for you WordPress fans. I found through some research that it is quite easy to tell WordPress where your comments reply section should go. If you take at one of the comments on my site and hit reply, your reply falls below the comment border like this: Read more…
Using NextGEN gallery to bring an image gallery to your WordPress blog
Bringing a customized image gallery isn’t as easy as it should be. Many developers have tried to solve this problem, and in my opinion Alex Rabe has done an excellent job of doing so. He has developed a WordPress plugin called NextGEN Galllery which allows the author to easily update and manage photos, and (this is important) allow for almost complete customization on how the images are displayed. As a specific example on how to do this, I’m going to walk you through getting NextGen gallery and the awesome Galleria jQuery image gallery to get along. Read more…
TweetiePie for WordPress
Update: Twitter restricted their api a long time ago making this plugin useless.
I finished up my new WordPress plugin, and I’m excited to announce it here. It’s called TweetiePie and its’ purpose in life is to bring in your most recent updates from twitter and put them on your blog. This can be done by using a widget or as a direct function call. It’s super-easy to get your tweets on the sidebar. Simply supply your username, how many tweets you would like to display, and whether or not you would like to show the date. Read more…
Adding multiple sidebars (and other elements) to your wordpress theme
Update: Marquex has written a plugin that takes care of all this without having to touch PHP. Check it out: Custom sidebar WordPress plugin
I’m going to show you (you, being the wordpress theme developer or modifier) how to add elements to your blog that will change based on which page you are on. A great example of this is changing which button is on for your navigation to indicate which section is currently active. I will also show you how to get multiple widgetized sidebars rocking for your theme. I’m going to make the assumption that you already know what wordpress pages are and how wordpress can act as a cms. I will also assume you know how to widgetize your theme. Onwards. Read more…